Združenie kresťanských spoločenstiev mládeže (ZKSM) – Association of Youth Christian Communities is a civic organization with a long history and a lot of experience with youth work focussing on effective use of leisure time.

Our Mission and Objective

We unite youth Christian communities in order to support, build up and lead them into cooperation, and thus have a positive influence on the society.
Our goal is to facilitate personal and spiritual growth of young people and help them get an integrated view of life. By means of non-formal education we want to help them become people who contribute to the development of the society and the Church.

Our Vision

Our vision is that in each town in Slovakia there will be a youth community bringing the Kingdom of God into all spheres of the society. This vision is conveyed also by our slogan, "A community also in your town".

Main Areas of Our Activity
- administrative and financial support
- counselling and supervision
- project support
- media support



- spiritual and personal growth of young people
- informal education for leaders, volunteers and professional youth workers
- schools for young leaders
- youth participation in society


- networking of community leaders
- information services and counselling
- cooperation with youth centres and Slovakia's Bishops Conference
- partnership with other organizations


- civic participation, volunteering, preservation of historical monuments
- activities at the national level
- social work and humanitarian aid
- national youth programmes


Our roots date back to the 1940s, when the first youth communities were formed in Slovakia on the initiative of Prof. Kolakovič. The first activities of our organization took place under the auspices of Cardinal Korec and the "underground church" in the 1980s.
After the "Velvet revolution", the Lay Apostolic Youth Movement was established on 17 November 1990. On 8 December that same year, it was renamed Youth Christian Communities Movement.
The current name of the organization (Association of Youth Christian Communities) and its statutes were adopted on 16 January 1999.
Association of Youth Christian Communities is a member of the Youth Council of Slovakia (Rada mládeže Slovenska) which is an umbrella organization of children and youth organizations.