Objectives and activities 
1. The aim of the Civil Association Ranch Emanuel is to associate the citizens for the purpose of providing assistance to people who are temporarily brought to the problematic situation in relation to their social status, and that without the distinction of age, race, nationality, religion, political affiliation or education. 
2. In pursuing its objectives, the Civil Association Ranch Emanuel focuses in particular on: 
a) providing the social counselling and social services to ensure integration into the society of young people (from socially deprived families, from dysfunctional and split families, orphans, motherless child and young people after the end of the institutional care) and to all of those who cannot help themselves. 
b) giving the assistance in finding or losing the employment, development of the educational and retraining programs. 
c) carrying out activities aimed at the all-embracing personal growth of individuals, especially the development of communication skills and practices with the objective to reinforce their self-confess. 
d) systematic providing of the leisure activities, especially for the younger generation from socially disadvantaged families and social risk environment. 
e) protecting the human rights and moral values, fight against racism and national hatred. 
f) cooperating with other non-governmental organizations, political parties, registered churches, governmental agencies and municipalities, as well as physical and legal persons at home and abroad, which are pursuing the same goals and can assist the association.